
Case Report

Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy presented with frequently acute pulmonary oedema: a case report

Nazmi Gultekin*

Published: 29 September, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 2 | Pages: 045-048

Neuropathy is when nerve damage interferes with the functioning of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). When the cause can’t be determined, it’s called idiopathic neuropathy(Idiopathic neuropathy, now designated as chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP).
There are three kinds of nerves within the PNS. Sensory nerves relay messages from the sense organs to the brain. This allows sensations of temperature and touch. Motor nerves transmit signals from the brain to the muscles. This helps the brain control the muscles. Autonomic nerves control body functions like heart rate, breathing, and digestion.
Damage to nerve cells can affect how the PNS communicates with the rest of the body. Symptoms can include numbness, pain, and balance issues.
It’s called acute neuropathy when symptoms develop suddenly. Alternately, it’s called chronic neuropathy when symptoms start slowly and increase over time. Diagnosis involves physical examination and review of medical history. Diagnostic testing may include blood tests, nerve testing, and imaging tests.
There is no cure for idiopathic neuropathy. Treatments including medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can help you function and feel better.
We report a case of idiopathic polyneuropathy presented with frequent acute pulmonary edema for a year.

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Polyneuropathy; Acute pulmonary edema; Prednisolone; ACTH


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